6 Healthy Food you should include in your diet

6 Healthy Food you should include in your diet

Whenever you talk about healthy food the word superfood pops up very often. What the hell is this superfood? Superfoods are foods that offer a lot of vitamins and minerals and provide positive health benefits. While all foods contain nutrients, some foods are much more packed with health-promoting nutrients than others.

Superfood is not a scientific term or nutritional definition, but as specific properties of common foods are being discovered, some experts have started placing them in the category of superfood. These substances have been called a superfood because they contain antioxidants in addition to essential nutrients, which keep us young and protect us from serious diseases like cancer. They contain healthy fat to prevent heart disease. They contain fiber so that diabetes and stomach disturbances are not disturbed. They contain phytochemicals, which do not allow us to get diseases.

Here are some of the major superfoods and their features. These are included in most lists of superfoods and are also easily available in our country.

Brown rice

Brown rice

These are the unrefined form of white rice. Protein, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, potassium, and fiber are found in these. Brown rice is good for reducing the risk of diabetes. They have a very low glycemic rate and keep the blood sugar under control. Selenium present in these reduces cancer, high cholesterol, and heart problems. These rice rich in fiber keep our stomachs full for a long time, due to which they are also helpful in weight loss. Reduce the risk of intestinal cancer, and are also beneficial in stones. Experts recommend eating them with plums and other fruits so that their antioxidant properties can give full benefit to the body.

Lentils and other pulses

Lentils and Pulses

Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, phosphorus, and many minerals are found in pulses. Arhar dal contains vitamins A and B and it cures blood, phlegm, and bile disorders. Urad Dal removes constipation and also gives strength. It is also grinded and applied to a boil. Moong dal has fiber. It is easily digested, hence beneficial for patients. This pudding gives a lot of power. It is also good for the eyes. Rajma is a storehouse of protein. Iron and vitamin B-9 are found exclusively in this. Lentil pulses enrich the blood. It is also very good for the stomach. Gram helps relieve us from constipation, diabetes, jaundice, and anemia. Gram flour is also beneficial for hair and skin.

Linseed seed oil

Flax seed oil

It is home to omega-3 fats, dietary fiber, potassium, and many nutrients. Since omega-3 fats are essential elements of all the cells of our body, the seeds of linseed and oil work in a way to give us complete health. Along with improving the digestive system, it also reduces high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It reduces the risk of heart attack, diabetes, and cancer. Eliminates the problem of dryness of hair, skin friend, and eyes. It also provides relief in menopause. Burns body fat.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is considered capable of fighting cancer and skin cancer. Antioxidants present in this are much better than vitamin C and vitamin E. It protects the heart cells and reduces cholesterol. Its antioxidant called polyphenol curbs old age. Helps in weight loss and increases metabolic rate. It has been found that green tea reduces the body’s 70 calories in a day. It strengthens bones and reduces the risk of arthritis. Stopping the blood sugar level from rising, also helps a lot with diabetes. It also removes harmful substances from the liver. Scientists have found that it prevents the virus of HIV from spreading in the body. Ear infusion is also removed by putting cotton soaked with green tea in the ear. It also kills the bacteria present in the teeth, i.e. the properties in 1 cup of tea.

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Oats are mainly eaten as porridge. Oats are rich in protein, fiber, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin B. They develop bones and increase immunity. They fill our stomachs very quickly and do not feel hungry for long after eating them. Oats contain the most soluble fiber, due to which they reduce bad cholesterol. Because of these fibers, oats also provide great relief from diabetes and keep the digestive system healthy. They are very good friends of the skin. These are used in various face packs. An element called lignin present in oats reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Wheat Germ

Wheat Germ

It is also called the warehouse of nutrients. The fat in this is nominal and is not cholesterol at all. Carbohydrates, protein, folic acid, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are in abundance. It is considered to be the best store of Folic Acid and is therefore very beneficial for pregnant women. Folic acid also works to avoid the risk of heart disease, and bone fractures. It also keeps the mind fit. It contains a special type of antioxidant ergothioneine, which is not destroyed even when cooked. It plays an important role in keeping the body healthy.

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Simmi Kamboj

Simmi Kamboj is the Founder and Administrator of Ritiriwaz, your one-stop guide to Indian Culture and Tradition. She had a passion for writing about India's lifestyle, culture, tradition, travel, and is trying to cover all Indian Cultural aspects of Daily Life.