Top 10 Christmas Party Games

Christmas is coming and everyone is busy planning an amazing holiday celebration. Christmas means the lights, the presents, and the joy of celebrating the holiday. Time to plan for the Christmas party, whether it will be a small family get-together or a big holiday party, there’s always room for inspiration to jazz up your holiday parties!. To make the party more exciting and interesting as possible you need to plan some Christmas games for kids and adults and make your party more memorable.
Spreading holiday cheer has never been easier thanks to these fresh, creative Christmas party games ideas that will make your friends enjoy the most. This is an important step in making your Christmas party a success, plan out exciting activities and games that will keep your guests entertained throughout the night. Family Christmas games are a good wholesome option, especially for keeping everybody table fully entertained.
1. White elephant gift exchanges game
White Elephant gift exchange party where friends, family, or co-workers get together for a holiday party and exchange awesome gifts. Each guest will bring a gift-wrapped, you can set the price limit for the gift so that any major gift disparities are avoided. Let all the guests sit in a circle and place all the gifts in the center. One person will pick out guest names randomly from a bag, and that guest will choose their gift. Every guest got two options either to open a new gift from the pile of gifts or steal gifts from another player. Each guest will get to swap gifts one by one until everyone is satisfied with their prize.
2. Gift Card Wheel Of Fortune
This game is very easy to set up, cut some stiff cardboard in a circle and write in it “Only one card has money“. Then stick a number of cards like 10 or 25 along the circle and write numbers on cards. So that when your guest rotates the wheel the pointer is set to a number that will be the guest number. Make sure you know which number card got the money and congratulate your winner as soon as they won the card.
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3. Team Gift Wrapping
This game requires a team of two people who will work together to produce a beautifully wrapped Christmas gift. But the game is not as easy as it sounds as every player is allowed to use only one hand while wrapping. You need to provide a gift box, wrapping paper, scissors, tape, and ribbon to have the gift wrapped. Every player has to keep there one hand at the back and use only one hand while wrapping. There will be a timer which will give a specified time to do the work. The pair who manage to wrap the gift beautifully wins.
4. Blindfolded Christmas Tree Decoration
In this game, each player will attempt to create and decorate a Christmas tree using some basic crafting supplies, all while blindfolded. This game will require some supplies for decorating the Christmas tree but it is hilarious fun for players of all ages! Each player will get one large piece of green construction paper, some stickers. The players then have one minute to fold, tear, or otherwise fashion their construction paper into a Christmas tree, and to decorate it to perfection using the round stickers as “ornaments.” The creator of the best Christmas tree wins.
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5. Christmas Charades
Charades is a classic party game for groups, and it’s easy to turn into a Christmas game! You will need some slips of paper where every guest will write 3 Christmas-related words or phrases. Divide the guest into two groups. Place all slips in one bag and let one team randomly draw slip, he has to act out the word or phrase while the other member of the team attempt to guess it. You need to set a timer and within the set time the members need to answer. Otherwise, the game goes to the other teams. The team with the lowest guessing time wins!
6. Santa Hat Game
Santa Hat Game is a unique and funny game where you all have to don a Santa hat. When the game organizer removes their hat, everyone else should do it, and the person who removes his hat last is eliminated. The last person playing the game is the winner.
7. Ugly sweater contest
This is a classic game that never gets old, invite your guest to dress their best ugly Christmas sweaters it can be store-bought or a DIY masterpiece. The one wearing the most over-the-top tacky garment wins.
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8. Jingle bell toss
Think of this one as a delightful combination of beer pong and corn hole. Make your own playing field by hot-gluing cups to a surface. Toss jingle bells into them to score (and make a little festive music while you’re at it).
9. Christmas Saran Wrap Ball
Saran Wrap Ball is a massive Wrap Ball with a ton of goodies layered throughout the ball and one awesome prize in the center! The guest has to start unwrapping while the person on his right rolls a pair of dice and tries to roll doubles. Once doubles are rolled, the ball is passed to the next player and the sequence begins again. The person with the ball does not stop unwrapping until the person to their right rolls doubles. This creates wonderful suspense and urgency in the game! You get to keep whatever treasure falls out of the saran wrap along the way! Make sure to put the best gift in the middle and remember…you can be creative and make this saran wrap ball as big as you want!!!
10. Christmas word scramble game
Keep everyone amused during downtime with a challenging Christmas-themed word scramble. You can print the word scramble game and give them to your guest set the timer and the one who completes it in a limited time wins.