10 Major points In Reorganizing Jammu and Kashmir

10 Major points In Reorganizing Jammu and Kashmir

Article 370 of the Constitution which gives special status to Jammu and Kashmir is revoked, and Jammu and Kashmir are to be bifurcated into two union territories, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

Also Read: What Is Article 35 A

Here are the main 10 points in recent development.

1. Article 370 gives Jammu and Kashmir a special status, it has its own constitution and laws.

2. Removal of Article 370 ends the special status to Jammu and Kashmir making it free from article 370 after 72 years.

3. Earlier center has to get the approval of state legislature for any changes or introduction of the new policy to the state except in matters of defense, communications and external affairs. Now the center needs no approval of state government for all legislation.

4. From now Jammu and Kashmir will be bifurcated into two Union Territories Jammu and Kashmir with a legislature, like Delhi and Ladakh without its own legislature.

5. The government historic step comes after the application of Section 144 and house arrest of the main political leaders Mehbooba Mufti, Omar Abdullah and Sajjad Lone.

6. Thousand of security personals have been sent to Kashmir after the Amarnath Yatra was canceled and tourist were asked to leave the state. Internet and phones lines are also down in the state.

7. After the meeting of the top ministers in Delhi with Prime Minister, Home Minister Amit Shah made this big announcement.

8. All educational institutes and offices are closed and public gathering is banned in the state.

9. Now the state will not have its own flag but will have the Indian National Flag ‘Trianga’. Till now J&K was having its own constitution but now it will have to follow the Constitution of India.

10. Arun Jaitley has tweeted “My compliments to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah for correcting a historical blunder”.

Also Read: Government Decides To Repeal Article 35 A and 370 From Jammu And Kashmir.

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Simmi Kamboj

Simmi Kamboj is the Founder and Administrator of Ritiriwaz, your one-stop guide to Indian Culture and Tradition. She had a passion for writing about India's lifestyle, culture, tradition, travel, and is trying to cover all Indian Cultural aspects of Daily Life.